Social Inclusion Team (SIT)
A message from Natalie, Colin, and Tasha:
“We are so proud to be a part of the new INTODogs social inclusion team, S.I.T.
We are looking forward in the coming months to get working in supporting every individual who needs our support and advice, whilst looking to encourage appropriate changes within the industry for the betterment of all humans and the canine world”.
Natalie Kaye -
Tasha Attwood -
Colin Spence -
We are a new team to bring Social Inclusion to the Dog Industry.
We have designed these very special ribbons to represent everyone who is Neurodivergent or has disabilities. So we all stand together with acceptance and awareness of one another and make the industry accessible to all, no matter any additional needs or additional support required.
To find out more about us or to contact us please email:
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